The Provincial Grand Summus encourages Companions to support other meetings of Provincial Grand Senatus details of invitations together with notices of other social events can be found below.

Details can be read by clicking on the name of the Province/Event.

Any Companion interested in attending another Province should contact our Provincial Grand Recorder.

The Provincial Grand Senatus of The Chilterns will be held on Monday 17th June 2024.

The Provincial Grand Senatus of Essex will be held on Friday 21st June 2024.

The Provincial Grand Senatus of Surrey will be held on Thursday 18th July 2024 when Dist Comp.Nigel Thomson will be installed as Right Distinguished Provincial Grand Summus.

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The Ancient and Masonic Order of the Scarlet Cord in the British Isles and its Districts and Consistories Overseas

Provincial Grand Senatus of

 West Yorkshire